北上E&Beエフエム – Episode 220 (9月25日)

In Episode 220 of Catch The Rainbow, we talk about the upcoming One World Festa. It’s set for November 12th, but it’s a big event, so we’re busy preparing already! We talk about traditional clothes from all over the world, and we’ll have them available to appreciate and try on during One World Festa.
India, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, China, Bangladesh, The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Tanzania, Hungary, Paraguay, Mexico, Peru, Ghana, Uganda
Some words to look out for:
衣装 ・ いしょう (ishou) ・ Costume
民族衣装 ・ みんぞくいしょう (Minzoku Ishou) ・ National Costume
鬼剣舞 ・ おにけんばい (Oni kenbai) ・ Traditional Demon Sword Dance (famous in Kitakami)
刺繡 ・ ししゅう (shishuu) ・ Embroidery
挑戦 ・ ちょうせん (chousen) ・ give it a try, challenge
募集中 ・ ぼしゅうちゅう (boshuuchuu) ・ recruiting
昨年 ・ さくねん (sakunen) ・ last year
長十郎 ・ ちょうじゅうろう (choujuurou) ・ Pear variety from Kanagawa.