English Square 2 – Take a Summer Walk
Nature Talk
ES2 – 7/22/2023
–Henry James
The summer heat causes every part of nature to wake up and thrive. Even one tree hosts a whole world of life.

En Plein Air
We didn’t have time to do much art, but I want to talk about En Plein Air a little bit. That’s a French phrase. We often use French and Italian phrases in art. Can you guess what it means?アートをする時間はあまりなかったが、En Plein Airについて少し話したい。これはフランス語のフレーズです。アートではフランス語やイタリア語のフレーズをよく使います。 どういう意味かわかりますか?
It literally means “in the open air.” It just means to draw or paint outside!
文字通り 「野外で」という意味だ。外で絵を描くという意味だ!

Plein Air Acrylic “Sketches” by Joe Gyurcsak: https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-mediums/acrylic/outdoor-sketches/
Beginner’s Watercolor Plein Air guide: From Andrea England, who sails a boat and sketches all over the world!
I also have some funny songs to share. They’re just jokes, so don’t be worried if you can’t understand them! Why is it called a Pineapple? by Jazz Emu Purple Emperor Song by Will Pearce
Today’s Hatsuon Point was “TR,” but… I forgot about it! We’ll talk next time about it together.

Class 2’s Hatsuon Point: “TR”
Every time you see “tr,” the sound is consistent. Think of “tr” as a new sound on its own– it’s not “T” and it’s not “R.” Its a sound similar to チュ, but your tongue is in the “r” position, and an “r” sound happens at the end of the “TR”.
TRを見るたびに、その音は一貫している。tr “は “T “でも “R “でもなく、それ自体が新しい音だと思ってください。チュ」に似た音ですが、舌が「r」の位置にあり、「TR」の最後に「r」の音がします。
Christmas Tree
Today’s Hatsuon Practice:
Trail Trick Tree Train Training Treasure Truck Track TrekPhotos
That’s all for today! See you next time 🙂