「きっかけ」づくりプロージェクト・Kikkake Zukuri Project
(English Follows Japanese)
多文化共生のための「きっかけ」づくりプロジェクト Shared Future!
Part 1: Sort Trash! Make Friends! (Participants will receive an eco-bag!)
第1回 ごみの仕分けをしてみよう! ★参加者にはエコバッグをプレゼント★
■内容/参加者の交流タイム(自己紹介ゲームなど)、ごみの仕分け体験 、情報交換
(一社)北上市国際交流協会 Eメール: kiah@kitakami.ne.jp
※公益財団法人かめのり財団 多文化共生ネットワーク支援事業
Tabunka Kyosei no Tame No Kikkake Zukuri Project
(Creating a “Spark” for a multicultural Society) (Short name: Kikkake Zukuri Project)
Did you read about the “Kikkake Zukuri Project” in our latest newsletter? It’s our cooperative project between Japanese residents and foreign residents who live here in Kitakami and the surrounding areas. There will be various meet and greet events, where you’ll have a chance to have fun, chat with others who live in your area, and make friends while learning something that we hope will make your life easier here.
This year, we’ll have four parts, and soon we’ll be holding Part 1: “Sort Trash! Make Friends,” on June 2nd, 2024 (Sunday) from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Further details can be found on the bilingual poster.