外国人相談会(がいこくじんそうだんかい)Counseling service
We offer counseling service to all foreign residents regarding daily life in Kitakami. We are open from Monday to Saturday 1:00-7:00 p.m. (Close Sundays, the third Wednesday on every month, and national holidays.) We also provide legal assistance on legal matters such as international marriage process, visa status etc., on the fourth Thursday every month 2:00-5:00 p.m. In this case, please make an appointment in advance.
- ビザ取得
- 在留資格の変更
- 国際結婚
- 帰化申請
- 永住
- 入国許可
- 国籍
- 戸籍関係
- その他
相談員 行政書士 広野善弘 (Notary Public: Yoshihiro Hirono)