Disaster Preparedness Workshop

PDF Below:
Disaster Preparedness Workshop PDF
Do you know everything there is to know about disaster preparedness in your area? How about cooking without fire, finding an evacuation center, or even where to use a bathroom?
THIS SATURDAY from 10 AM until finish (sometime around 12, perhaps) come learn what you need to know to stay safe, and help your family and neighbors as well.
Please contact us ASAP if you hope to participate. This is a great opportunity!
Read below for details:
Workshop day for foreign residents on disaster preparedness, evacuation procedures, and disaster volunteering.
日時: 2024年2月24日(土)午前10時から正午まで
Date and Time: Saturday, February 24, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to noon
Place: Kitakami Fire Station (2-3-6 Oniyanagicho, Kitakami City)
We’ll learn together in a hall on the second floor.
1. 避難情報について/About Evacuation Information
2. ハザードマップの見方ー近くの避難所を確認しようー
How to read a hazard map & Check nearby evacuation centers
Participants will be divided into two groups to experience the following:
3. スマートフォンアプリ(NHK-World-Japanの活用について)
Smartphone Application (Utilization of NHK-World-Japan)
4. 防災クッキング
Emergency Cooking & Food Prep
5. 簡易トイレ設置、使用方法の体験
Installation of portable toilets and hands-on experience their use
6. 土のう作りボランティア体験
Volunteer experience of making sandbags
Reflection after meeting up with 2 groups, exchange of participants’ opinions
If you would like to attend, please let us know by e-mail or call 0197-63-4497 by February 22.
Please share this information with your friends and others who are interested in disaster training.
We look forward to working with you.