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English Square 3 – Let’s Make Tacos!


Taco Talk

ES3  –  8/3/2023

“I could eat tacos every day of my life.”

– Kristen Bell

Shaleah’s Tacos

During the third official English Square session, we learned how to make awesome tex-mex TACOS!

We used ground beef and made a hand-made spice mix, fresh toppings, and wrapped it all in a tortilla.

In America, we often talk about “Taco Tuesday,” and have tacos on Tuesday.

Even NBA star LeBron James is dedicated to Taco Tuesday.

Tacos can be made out of anything– ground chicken, shredded pork, shrimp, and fish are all delicious.

Shredded Pork Tacos In Dallas, Texas


Here’s a book of 52 taco recipes (so you can make one per week if you want to).

Challenge yourself to read and make recipes in English!

Summer Vegetable Tacos
Salmon Mango Tacos
Easy Shrimp Tacos

Here’s the recipe you received in class: English Square Beef Taco Recipe

By the way, here’s some better corn tortillas. Just keep them frozen and pry off one at a time with a butter-knife, then reheat it as we did in class (in a stack of 4 or 5 is probably best). The corn tortilla in class fell apart because it froze and thawed too many times! Sorry about that.

Oh yeah, and the Quick-Egg Tacos Youtube video I made is here. それと、私が作ったクイック・エッグ・タコスのYoutubeビデオはこちら


TB – Tablespoon – 大さじ
tsp – teaspoon – 小さじ
Ground (beef) – (牛)ひき肉
Brown – 焦げ目をつける
Sear – 表面を焼く
Strain – こす
Drain – 水を切る


Oh no. I’m so sorry. I forgot this time, too. Next time, please remind me “Shaleah Sensei!!! Hatsuon Point!!!”
Here’s a shallow end blog about “browning.” (日本語)
