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English Square 2 – Take a Summer Walk


Nature Talk

ES2  –  7/22/2023

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those. have always been the two most beautiful words in the. English language.” 


Henry James

The summer heat causes every part of nature to wake up and thrive. Even one tree hosts a whole world of life.

You can see details of my drawing on Instagram. By the way, did you know we have an instagram? Please give us a follow, if you’d like.

En Plein Air

We didn’t have time to do much art, but I want to talk about En Plein Air a little bit. That’s a French phrase. We often use French and Italian phrases in art.  Can you guess what it means?
アートをする時間はあまりなかったが、En Plein Airについて少し話したい。これはフランス語のフレーズです。アートではフランス語やイタリア語のフレーズをよく使います。 どういう意味かわかりますか?

It literally means “in the open air.” It just means to draw or paint outside!
文字通り 「野外で」という意味だ。外で絵を描くという意味だ!

Here’s a “Big Blue Sea” article about the history.

Plein Air Acrylic “Sketches” by Joe Gyurcsak: https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-mediums/acrylic/outdoor-sketches/

Beginner’s Watercolor Plein Air guide: From Andrea England, who sails a boat and sketches all over the world! 


Some English that came up in class:

beneficial  益(虫とか)              nocturnal  夜行性
sap  樹液                national butterfly 国蝶
threatened  絶滅危惧種            maintained wilderness 里地と里山
medicinal  薬用                  cicada’s shell セミの抜け殻
butterbur フキ       hostas ギボウシ
pottery   陶器           potter     陶芸家         pot 鉢
weaving  織る              well 井戸
thatch   茅                    thatched roof 茅葺き
carp   (茶色)鯉                 koi    (色)鯉             gourd ひょうたん
burrow     巣穴              burrowing 巣穴(を作る虫とか)・潜り込んでいる

I also have some funny songs to share. They’re just jokes, so don’t be worried if you can’t understand them! Why is it called a Pineapple? by Jazz Emu Purple Emperor Song by Will Pearce


Today’s Hatsuon Point was “TR,” but… I forgot about it! We’ll talk next time about it together.

Class 2’s Hatsuon Point: “TR”

Every time you see “tr,” the sound is consistent. Think of “tr” as a new sound on its own– it’s not “T” and it’s not “R.” Its a sound similar to チュ, but your tongue is in the “r” position, and an “r” sound happens at the end of the “TR”.

TRを見るたびに、その音は一貫している。tr “は “T “でも “R “でもなく、それ自体が新しい音だと思ってください。チュ」に似た音ですが、舌が「r」の位置にあり、「TR」の最後に「r」の音がします。

TR words to be careful of
Christmas Tree
Trick or Treat

Today’s Hatsuon Practice:

Trail Trick Tree Train Training Treasure Truck Track Trek  


That’s all for today! See you next time 🙂